How To Fix Leave On Time Sensitive Notifications iOS 15 Bug

Leave On Time Sensitive Notifications Bug

Leave On Time Sensitive Notifications Bug

Are Time Sensitive Notifications annoying you in iOS 15, respectively iPadOS 15? Is your iPhone frequently prompting you with a Leave On Time Sensitive notification that asks if you want to keep receiving notifications from a certain app immediately, or you prefer to have them included in the scheduled summary?

Leave On Time Sensitive Notification Bug

Leave On time sensitive notification
A spread out iOS 15 glitch is causing Leave On prompts to get triggered every time an app issues a new notification, no matter if you express your intentions and tap on Leave On, repeatedly.

These popups have a good intention, but a bug is preventing iOS 15 from registering your Leave On selection and the interrogation is repeating itself, every time a new notification is generated for the same app.

Fact: We’ve noticed that the Leave On Time Sensitive bug is triggered when many notifications are generated for the same app.

For example, if a third-party app issues multiple notifications in a short period of time, iOS 15 will consider that you might consider them distracting and starts asking if you want to keep them On or prefer to have them delivered in the Notification Summary.

How To Fix Leave On Time Sensitive Notifications Bug

Apple will most likely include a fix in an upcoming software update. But until then here is what you can do to get rid of the Leave On notifications:

1. Tap Turn Off

Give in and allow iOS 15 to include notifications from the app in questions in the Scheduled Summary. This requires you to tap Turn Off.
how to enable time sensitive notifications in iOS 15
Tip: Later on, try to open Settings and browse for Notifications -> [App Name] and switch back from Scheduled Summary to Immediate delivery! Also make sure that Time Sensitive Notifications are turned ON! Finger on, for the Leave ON notification to stay away!

2. Disable Notifications Summary

how to disable notification summary
Another workaround requires you to stop using the Scheduled Summary feature, thus giving iOS 15 no more reasons to ask you if you want to Leave On or have them delivered at a predefined time of day.

How to: Open Settings and browse for Notifications -> Scheduled Summary. Turn Off!

3. Update to iOS 15.1

ios 15.1 beta 1 download
iOS 15.1 is currently in its early beta testing stages. If you can’t get rid of the Leave On notifications you can update to the beta version and let us know if this faulty behavior is fixed in the upcoming update!

Does this help you to get rid of the annoying Leave On time sensitive notifications? Do you have a better solution? Use the comments section and share it with us!

Related: Check out fixes for other common iOS 15 bugs:
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